Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Blogger

Maddie and I thoroughly enjoy reading other blogs and she has been begging for me start one about us....... so I finally gave in! :)  It took me along time to finally start one: I could never find the perfect name/title for it!  I wanted the title to pop, to perfectly describe Maddie and I.  We are bestfriends, two perfect pals!!  I decided "Just the Two of Us" was just going to have to work, and it is truly just the two of us..... which we are very happy and content with :)  We have many adventures together and we look forward to sharing them! 

Just a few or possibly a bunch of random pictures!!

My Grandpa and Grandma babysat Maddie one evening and she insisted on dressing as a "cowgirl!"

Reading a book to her kitty

Maddie got her THIRD set of ear tubes this May!  She was such a champ!
We love Akron Childrens Hospital!!

We went to Castaway Bay this past April for Maddie's 7th Birthday! We had a blast.  Maddie kept asking me, "Are you sure I am not dreaming??"


  1. LOVE it! Tell Maddie good idea! I will enjoy reading all your adventures!!!!

  2. I am thrilled!!! I can't wait to follow along - Love the blog name!!!

  3. looks like alot of fun!! seems like more ppl are blogging now!!
